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The World Market for Mass Flow Controllers, 

4th Edition

Coming in Q4 2024



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Flow Research is working on a first-ever Mass Flowmeter Series. This series includes in-depth studies on three types of flowmeters that measure mass directly:

·         The World Market for Coriolis Flowmeters, 7th Edition

·         The World Market for Thermal Flowmeters, 3rd Edition

·         The World Market for Mass Flow Controllers, 4th Edition

It also includes a Core Study The World Market for Mass Flow Measurement. This Core Study also includes data on multivariable flowmeters.

The World Market for Mass Flow Controllers, 4th Edition analyzes the market for mass flow controllers (MFCs). The study provides updates to key segmentations of this market, using a base year of 2023 with forecasts through 2028. This study is an update to our previous studies of MFC market completed in 2008, 2012 and 2015, and 2019. It takes into account recent technological innovations and describes the dynamic business environment that exists today.


Description automatically generatedThe mass flow controller (MFC) market is highly competitive, with a large number of suppliers. In fact, it is one of the most rapidly developing markets in the flowmeter world today. If you want to know exactly where the mass flow controller market is going and just how quickly it is growing, you'll want to order this study today.

Among other trends, the MFC market is growing the fastest in China, Western Europe, and North America, in that order. Economies in China, India, and other emerging markets in Asia and elsewhere are driving the MFC market upward. These economies are growing at a rapid pace and have an expanding middle class. 

Study Objectives This study will fulfill the following obectives:

  •  · Determine the 2023 market size in US dollars and unit volumes for mass flow controllers worldwide, both thermal and non-thermal types

  •  · Determines the current market shares of leading suppliers of mass flow controllers worldwide

  •  · Forecasts market growth for all types of mass flow controllers through 2028

  • A picture containing text, indoor

Description automatically generated · Identify industries and applications where mass flow controllers are used, and to identify growth areas

  •  · Provide a product analysis for the main manufacturer suppliers selling into the mass flow controller market

  • · Provide strategies to manufacturers for selling into the mass flow controller market

  • · Provide company profiles of the main suppliers of mass flow controllers

New markets

A major portion of mass flow controllers are used in the semiconductor industry for measuring gas flow, and that market is large.  However, the semiconductor market is unpredictable and cyclical, and more and more MFC manufacturers are actively attempting to broaden their base in other industrial and laboratory/research market spaces. Some of these segments are growing faster than semiconductor manufacturing and hold the promise of long-term MFC applications. New environmental applications such as fuel cells and solar/photovoltaic have opened up avenues for MFCs. In addition, new manufacturing processes and the push for automation in factories are driving MFC market growth.

A group of solar panels

Description automatically generated with low confidenceIn the world of internet of things (IoT) and Industry 4.0, unique identifiers permit networked devices to collect and share data with common control points as well as with each other, and this capability is changing the way industrial processes work. Increasingly, devices share performance data that then changes their own operating status. The result is improved process flows, reduced employee monitoring, faster response times to changing process conditions, enhanced safety, and overall increases in both production quality and volume. MFCs can provide accurate data points and control in a way that some legacy flow measurement devices cannot.

Check out these many industrial and lab/research applications for mass flow controllers.

Industrial Segment



Hydraulic systems test and fabrication; ventilation R&D; hardening canopies for jet aircraft

Analytical/gas analyzers

Analytical sampling; gas sample preparation and measurement; verifying flow and pressure for multiple gases flowing to and from gas chromatographs

Automotive emissions testing

Emissions monitoring; measuring compressed air;  verification of SHED (Sealed Housing for Evaporative Determination) operations; exhaust gases


Process control of reactor gases to fermentation; bioreactor gas management; maintain quality in drug manufacturing, production, FDA testing, and culture growing


Measurement of gases in chemical processes and manufacturing

Electronics manufacturing

Manufacture of computers, monitors, and other electronic equipment; laser welding and cutting

Fiber optics/glass manufacturing

Glass manufacturing; ultraviolet coating on glass; fiber optics and glass coating; bulletproof glass for cars; high purity optics for bathroom faucet coatings

Food and beverage

Blending; process control in bottling, drying, mixing, cooling; protective gases for packaging; wine and beer making

Fuel cells

Measuring efficiency of fuel cells


Flame control; gas mixing and blending; burner control

Gas distribution

Gas consumption measurement for internal accounting purposes

Heat treating

Burner control; welding

LED lighting

Particulate dispersal, gas used in deposition, OLED


Check performance of equipment; anesthesia; medical equipment manufacturing

Metals processing

Improve quality of manufactured metals


Protective gases for packages


Application of thin film coatings to panels


Measurement of gases used in power generation

How they work

Mass flow controllers contain an integrated control valve that is used to control the flow as well as measure it.  

Although more MFC suppliers are introducing differential pressure (DP), ultrasonic, and Coriolis technology,  thermal technology continues to dominate.

The roots of thermal flowmeters go back to the hot wire anemometers that were used for airflow measurement in the early 1900s, although thermal flowmeters were not introduced for industrial applications until the 1970s.

Thermal flowmeters use heat in making their flow measurements.  Thermal flowmeters put heat into the flowstream and use one or more temperature sensors to measure how quickly this heat dissipates.  Heat dissipation is measured in two main ways:

  • One method of measuring heat dissipation keeps a heated sensor at a constant temperature and measures how much current is needed to keep it at that temperature.  

  • Another method measures the temperature difference between the flowstream temperature and a heated sensor.  

What is common to both methods is the idea that higher speed flow results in increased cooling. Both measure the effects of this increased cooling, and compute mass flow based on this result.  

Coriolis-based MFCs, however, offer better accuracy and operate independent of fluid properties, and their sensor is by nature faster than a sensor based on heat transfer. Ultrasonic technology MFCs also offer faster response time to changes in flowrate than the thermal versions 

In addition to The World Market for Mass Flow Controllers, 4th Edition, we have a separate study on thermal flowmeters, The World Market for Thermal Flowmeters, 3rd Edition.


Articles About Mass Flow Controllers

Previous Mass Flow Controller Studies

The World Market for Mass Flow Controller 3rd Edition

Published July 2019

The World Market Update for Mass Flow Controllers

Published July 2015


The World Market for Mass Flow Controllers, 2nd Edition

Published July 2012 


The World Market for Mass Flow Controllers

Published July 2008 


Articles About Mass Flow Controllers



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